Concordia is a community that cares about the environment and about the future. We take our role in creating more sustainable ways of living seriously – by constantly rethinking how we do things and taking innovative action.

Concordia students engage in sustainability and conservation efforts both in and outside the classroom. In a summer sustainability course, students considered ways for cities to secure their energy futures.

To learn more about what has been happening in sustainability at Concordia, check out the most recent issue of the Sustainability Newsletter or dig deeper by exploring the topics below.

Carbon-Free Concordia

Everyday earth-friendly efforts like these help our campus make progress toward a carbon-free Concordia:
  • Organic Garden
  • Solar Panels
  • Taste Not Waste
  • High Tunnel
  • Long Lake Research
  • Living Plant Wall
  • COBBikes
  • Pollinator Garden

Check Out Our Latest Newsletter

See what our campus community has been up to in the last months of classes; as well where we want to go for the coming year.


Get caught up on sustainability news at Concordia.

Get Involved

Learn more about the many opportunities you'll have to explore your passion for sustainability at Concordia.

Sustainability @ Concordia

As a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), Concordia is dedicated to infusing sustainability principles into all aspects of campus operations and the curriculum.

STARS Report

In 2014, the college joined the rigorous Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS). In 2021, the college's sustainability efforts were recognized with a Silver STARS rating.

Living Sustainably

7 Min Read

Young Goals

As a pre-med student with a clear career path in mind, Luke Young ’24 appreciates the transforming aspect of a liberal arts education that Concordia College provides.

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5 Min Read

Building a Resilient Community

Prioritizing collaborative approaches to problem-solving, Dr. Ken Foster discusses his roles at Concordia and in the community.

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