Sunday Worship Service

Campus Ministry will host a worship service at 10 a.m. Sunday, May 7, in the Centrum, Knutson Campus Center.


The Commencement ceremony will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 7, in Memorial Auditorium. Doors will open at 12:45 p.m. The ceremony typically lasts between 2 and 2½ hours. The ceremony will be livestreamed. As a reminder, the names of all graduates will be printed in the commencement program, but only the names of graduates in attendance will be read. The recording will be made available the week following commencement at

Ceremony Tickets

The Commencement ceremony in Memorial Auditorium requires a ticket. All tickets are free and general admission. Tickets will be available for pickup at the Campus Information desk in the Knutson Campus Center beginning Monday, April 17. Each graduating student is assured six tickets if picked up by the deadline of 5 p.m. Sunday, April 30. Unclaimed tickets will be redistributed starting Monday, May 1, through Friday, May 5, to graduates who would like additional tickets.

In an effort to make our programs and activities accessible to all interested people, we ask that those individuals requiring accommodations for special needs to please contact Campus Information at 218.299.4000.

Commencement Seating

Guest seating is available in the bleachers and permanent seating areas in Memorial Auditorium. Floor seating is reserved for faculty, graduates, and guests with mobility needs. Additional seating is available in Birkeland Alumni Lounge, where the ceremony will be livestreamed and the space is air-conditioned.


Parking is available in the lot directly south of Memorial Auditorium (across 12th Avenue) or southwest of Memorial Auditorium (in the East Complex parking lot). Accessible parking spots are available in the MH lot near the Hvidsten Hall of Music (12th Avenue).


Memorial Auditorium, 1117 7th St. S.

Accessible Parking, 1112 5th St. S. (Hvidsten and Pool)

Parking Lot, 1201 7th St. S. (just south of Memorial)

Additional Parking, 1320 8th St. S. (East Complex)

Professional Photographs

The Grad Team will be taking photos during the Commencement ceremony. Graduates will be able to find their photos by visiting The Grad Team events page and clicking on the ceremony. Any questions can be directed to