Aug. 10: Campus Vaccination Rates
Greetings Concordia Faculty and Staff,
Earlier this summer, the COVID response group sent out vaccination surveys to employees and students and have been actively working to gather and analyze responses. The following is the information gathered from those surveys to date:
- Number of responses: 522 (90.8%) of employees have responded to survey
- Fully vaccinated: 90.9% (of responders)
- Received first dose: .7% (of responders)
- Appointment scheduled: .4% (of responders)
- Have not been vaccinated: 2.3% (of responders)
- Declined to answer vaccination status: 5.5% (of responders)
- Responses still needed: 53
The COVID response group will begin work with supervisors to help support responses from those who have not yet completed the vaccination survey.
- Number of responses: 1,450 (74%) of students have responded to the survey
- Fully vaccinated: 87% (of responders)
- Need help accessing or in progress of being vaccinated: 3% (of responders)
- Do not plan to be vaccinated: 10% (of responders)
- Responses still needed: 509 (Note: Students who are planning to be vaccinated were asked to wait to respond until they were fully vaccinated.)
The COVID response group is actively working to reach out students who have not yet completed the vaccination survey.
Earlier today, a message was sent to all continuing and incoming students providing instructions for those who are not yet fully vaccinated on how to submit the required negative COVID test prior to their return to campus.
Thank you.
COVID Response Group