Aug. 10: How to Submit Your Negative COVID Test for Return to Campus
To promote a healthy campus community, all students who are not yet fully vaccinated are required to submit proof of a negative COVID test when they return. Failure to do so may result in referral to the conduct system and a $50 disciplinary fine. Read on for more details.
Who does this apply to?
- Students who are not vaccinated
- Students who are not yet fully vaccinated (2 weeks past final dose) by the time of their return date
- Students who have not yet submitted their COVID Vaccination Form.
Note: If you received a lab confirmed positive COVID test within 90 days of your return to campus, you do not need to get tested to return – but you must use the form to indicate your previous positive test.
When do I get tested?
If you fall into one of the groups listed above, you should get tested no more than two days before your return to campus.
If you cannot access testing before returning, you should test within two days of returning to campus.
What date is considered my ‘return to campus’?
- This is the date when you’ll first be physically on campus.
Special circumstances:
- Have you been on campus all summer? Or did you return to campus very recently (Aug 1 – Aug 11)? Test and report your results by Aug 15.
How do I get tested?
- Minnesota information can be found here. Use this website to find testing sites in other states.
- COVID-19 testing is free to anyone in the U.S., including the uninsured.
- Additional testing sites may be available in your area.
- Contact your health care provider or your state or local public health department for more information.
How to submit your test:
- Use the Return To Campus Testing Form to upload your proof of negative test (or provide proof of a positive test within previous 90 days).
- Ideally, you should submit this form the day you return to campus. If you must test after you return, you must submit it within three days of your return date.
- Failure to complete this process may result in referral to the conduct system and a $50 disciplinary fine.
If you are a student athlete, please also follow any additional instructions related to COVID testing that you receive from your coach or other athletics staff.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have questions, please contact
-The COVID Student Support Team