Jan. 11: COVID Message - Updates
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
Risk Levels: We have moved from low to medium risk. You can read more on risk levels here.
Masks: Masks will now be required in all public places, including hallways, meeting areas, and residence halls outside closed rooms. Signage will be updated.
Quarantine and Isolation: The Minnesota Department of Health is expected this week to offer guidance for isolating positive cases and quarantining close contacts for institutes of higher education.
- If you are sick, tested positive, or are a close contact: Students should contact the COVID Student Helpline at 701.730.8304 or COVID19Helpline@cord.edu for more details.
- Employees need to call Human Resources at 218.299.3339.
Accommodations: Faculty and staff supervisors are expected to make reasonable accommodations for those in quarantine or isolation or who are sick.
Meetings: When possible, move meetings online.
Travel: Travel is still allowed for now.
Events: In-person events can continue with caution. Masking, reduced capacity, and distancing should be in place. Consider options for virtual attendance. If those are not possible options, please consider canceling the event.
Booster shots are highly encouraged as they are an effective way to prevent serious illness and hospitalization.
- Clay County Public Health is hosting a Vaccine/Booster Shot Clinic Thursday, Jan. 13 in Moorhead. Appointments can be made online.
- Other options at vaccines.gov.
We are also in cold and flu season, so continued germ-spreading prevention is key. This includes masking, frequent hand washing, coughing and sneezing into elbows, staying home when sick, getting tested, and distancing.
We encourage you all to take any opportunity that reduces risk to prioritize in-person learning and working.
With your help and support, we can do this, Cobbers!
Thank you and stay safe,
COVID Response Group