July 30: COVID Response Update
Greetings Concordia Students, Faculty, and Staff,
The COVID response group has been in discussion about the implications of the new CDC guidance as a result of the Delta variant and how that new guidance may affect our mitigation decisions. While no changes to current mitigation actions are being made at this time, the COVID response group will continue to monitor on-campus and regional COVID levels. It is important that everyone take personal responsibility in following MDH recommendations.
Minnesota Department of Health guidance stresses that a high level of vaccination is critical in allowing less intrusive mitigation efforts on a college campus. If you have not yet been vaccinated we strongly urge you to schedule an appointment and get vaccinated prior to the start of the Fall semester. An update on the vaccination status for campus will be provided next week.
To find a vaccination site in your area visit Vaccines.gov. If you have any questions about vaccines, please consult your healthcare provider or visit the Minnesota Department of Health website.
For those of you that have already reported your vaccination status, thank you! Understanding vaccination rates on campus is important for making mitigation decisions for the Fall semester. If you have not yet reported your vaccination status, it is crucial that you complete your reporting status survey.
- Students – If you have not yet reported your vaccination status, please check your Concordia email for a message with the subject line “Action: Submit Your COVID Vaccination Form.” If you do not see that email, please email COVID19Helpline@cord.edu for your link.
- Faculty and Staff – If you have not yet reported your vaccination status, please refer back to the email sent on June 17. If you do not see that email, please email HR@cord.edu.
The College will consider individuals who do not report their status as not vaccinated and it will be expected that you follow CDC guidelines for unvaccinated people including masking and quarantining after any exposure to COVID and after travel.
Face Coverings:
The College is not changing the current mask policy at this time, but it will continue to monitor both the county transmission and campus risk levels and modify our mask policy if necessary. Unvaccinated people should continue to wear face coverings inside campus buildings and maintain social distancing. Anyone vaccinated should feel comfortable wearing a mask based on personal choice.
Finally, as a reminder, it is important we all continue to monitor symptoms and practice good hygiene. Please report any symptoms you may have through the symptom check form.
Thank you.
COVID Response Group