July 7: COVID Response Update
Greetings Faculty and Staff,
As we continue to prepare for a Fall Semester of in-person classes and events, we have a few updates to share with all of you.
A vaccination status survey was sent out to continuing and incoming students a few weeks ago. We are still gathering responses from students, but with over 550 responses so far, the results are encouraging: we are on track to meet our goal of over 85% of our students vaccinated. More information on student vaccination rates will be shared in early August once the final survey results are received.
Additionally, on June 17th, employees received a request to report your vaccination status. Understanding employee vaccination status is important for continued planning and managing into the upcoming semester. If you have not yet completed the survey, please refer to the email on June 17th for a link to the survey. As with the student survey, early indications to the employee survey results are very encouraging as we work to our stated goal of an 85% vaccination rate.
By the middle of July, we will be posting updated risk level indicators following the guidance of MDH. The current COVID risk level on campus is GREEN. Campus risk levels as well as additional fall planning updates can be found on the 2021-2022 COVID Response planning page of the website. The Concordia Language Villages Bemidji site, which is hosting on-site language learning camps this summer, is operating under its own set of COVID protocols in accordance with guidance for residential summer camps.
Finally, as a reminder, it is important we all continue to monitor symptoms and practice good hygiene. Please report any symptoms you may have through the symptom check form. Also, as a reminder, if you are not vaccinated, you should continue to wear your face covering in college buildings and maintain social distancing.
Thank you.
COVID Response Group