Sept. 20: Mask Review, Risk Level, and Flu Information (Weekly Message)
Greetings Concordia Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As earlier stated, we have reviewed our masking policy. Transmission rates of COVID-19 in Clay and Cass counties remain HIGH, according to the CDC. For this reason, we are continuing our mask requirements. They will continue to be worn in classes, laboratories, and studios, as well as indoor workspaces and public areas where distancing cannot be maintained. This decision comes after reviewing guidance from the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), which strongly recommends masks indoors in areas of high transmission. When the county levels decrease, we will reevaluate our policy.
We have updated our Risk Level indicators based on new information from the MDH. You can find that page here.
As we approach flu season, the CDC has announced flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines can be given at the same time. If you are still in need of a vaccine, Clay County Public Health is offering a free vaccine clinic Thursday, Sept. 23. Other locations can be found on the CDC Vaccine Finder site.
- Students: If you have symptoms, are a close contact, or have tested positive, you should contact the COVID Student Helpline at 701.730.8304 or
- Employees: If you have symptoms, are a close contact, or have tested positive, you should contact Human Resources at 218.299.3339.
Thank you,
COVID Response Group