Stage Three Update (Dec. 7 2022)
Greetings Students, Faculty, and Staff,
We write with an update on the presidential search process. We are pleased to report that the search process has been progressing exceptionally well, and we remain on pace to complete the third stage of the process with interviews, due diligence, and appointment in the original timeframe of early 2023.
Everyone involved in the process has remained committed and thoughtful and has honored the confidential nature of the search, which has been critical to ensuring a successful process. Our partners from Academic Search have provided expertise and comprehensive support at every stage of this important journey. They have served us well and will continue to do so as we progress.
On behalf of the Search Committee, we are grateful for the continued support, encouragement, and prayers that members of the campus community have offered to lift up this work. We have been able to see the results of that encouragement shining through in all of our search committee tasks, meetings, and interactions.
We also appreciate the patience you have exercised throughout this process; we recognize the anticipation and curiosity you may be feeling regarding an announcement of Concordia’s next president! Again, we are confident we will remain on pace with the stated timeline, and we want to assure you that we have faith that the process will result in a great outcome for the college.
Soli Deo gloria,
Gary Henderson, Search Committee Chair
Mary Ranum, Board of Regents Chair