The requirements for a major in music leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree are 34 credits in music plus 8 private instruction credits and ensemble participation:
The requirements for a major in music leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree are 34 credits in music plus 8 private instruction credits and ensemble participation:
It is suggested that students concentrate the elective courses within a single area – music theory and composition, music history and literature, conducting or pedagogy. Credits in private lesson instruction may not be used to fulfill the 8-credit requirement in music electives.
Private Instruction in the Bachelor of Music Program
All students majoring in programs leading to the Bachelor of Music are required to take private instruction in a major instrument, voice or composition, and a minor instrument or voice. Students majoring in instrumental music should have adequate foundation in preliminary study of their major instrument.
Students take the 200-level courses in private instruction for 1 or 2 credits, according to the following guidelines:
Juniors and seniors majoring in voice performance, instrumental music, or composition take the 400-level courses of private instruction in their respective area of focus. Students receive a weekly, one-hour lesson in their area of focus and are expected to practice or compose three hours daily. 4 credits are granted.
Registration for private music lessons is on a semester basis. At the end of each semester, each student registered for private instruction must perform for a panel of music faculty members. Note carefully these regulations regarding private instruction:
Because participation in many ensembles is open to students who are not majors or minors in music, detailed descriptions of these organizations are included under Expanded Academic Opportunities on Page 27.