4 additional credits from the following:
4 additional credits; at least one course from the following:
Recommended course (but not required):
The neuroscience minor can be completed in 24 credits; however, BIOL 306, BIOL 352, BIOL 406, BIOL 411, BIOL 412, BIOL 416, BIOL 497, CHEM 330, CHEM 373, CHEM 374, MATH 315, MATH 316, and PHYS 112 have prerequisites offered in complementary majors.
PSYC 111 or equivalent is a prerequisite for PSYC 318, PSYC 361, and PSYC 325.
NEU 109 and junior or senior standing may be used as the prerequisite for BIOL 336, BIOL 350, and BIOL 402.