The minor in religion can be used for different educational goals, including enhancement of a course of study in another discipline and/or personal enrichment.
The requirements for a minor in religion are 20 credits. REL 200 and REL 300 J courses are counted in the five-course requirements for a minor. REL 211 – Biblical Hebrew I and REL 212 – Biblical Hebrew II may also be counted for a minor as can FL 201 – Faith and Leadership. Inquiry courses taught by a religion professor can also be petitioned to count toward a religion minor. Students may select any religion courses beyond those meeting the Core religion requirement, except for REL 390 – Cooperative Education and REL 490 – Practicum. Religion minors are encouraged to work with a religion faculty advisor to choose courses that support an emphasis (see above) based on their particular interests. Students should normally declare a minor by the end of the junior year. Students may apply to transfer the equivalent of two courses and no more than 8 credits from outside the college.