Emeriti Faculty
Aageson, Dr. James W., Religion | aageson@cord.edu
Anderson, Dr. Per M., Religion, Global Learning
Anderson, Dr. Verlyn D., Library, History, Scandinavian Studies | vanderso@cord.edu
Bartz, Dr. Albert E., Psychology | bartz@cord.edu
Bath, Dr. Michael G., Political Science
Bjerkness, Odell M., French, Language Villages, May Seminars
Bokinskie, Dr. Jean C., Nursing | bokinski@cord.edu
Breedon, Dr. Daniel F., Music | breedon@cord.edu
Cabello-Cobo, Dr. Francisco L., Spanish and Hispanic Studies, World Languages and Cultures
Capistran, Jane Linde, Music
Cermak, James F., Communication Studies and Theatre Art
Christopherson, James M., Head Coach-Football, Physical Education and Health
Clausen, Dr. René K., Music
Cohen, Joanne, Music
Coomber, Dr. James E., English
Cordes-Green, Dr. Susan J., Psychology
Covey, Dr. Mark K., Psychology
Dahl, Ingolf C., Social Work
Dahlberg, Dr. Carol Ann, Education
Dahlberg, Dr. Duane A., Physics | dahlberg@cord.edu
Dahley, Dr. Laurie K., Social Work | dahley@cord.edu
Dovre, Dr. Paul J., President of the College, Speech Communication and Theatre Art
Duncan, Dr. Dawn E., English
Eglitis, Mirdza Z., German, Norwegian
Engebretsen, Dr. A. Rune, Scandinavian Studies and Norwegian
Engelhardt, Dr. Carroll L., History
Fagerstrom, Dr. DuWain A., Business Education and Office Administration
Falk, Dr. Laurence L., Sociology
Forde, Dr. James L., Mathematics and Computer Science
Foss, Dr. Nancy E., French
Foss, Robert K., Accounting
Glasrud, Barbara, Art | bglasrud@cord.edu
Goldberg, Heidi, Art | goldberg@cord.edu
Hallquist, Dr. Mary W., Family and Nutrition Sciences | hallquis@cord.edu
Halverson, Peter D., Music | halverso@cord.edu
Hammerling, Rev. Dr. Roy, Religion
Hammerstrom, Janice E., Family and Nutrition Sciences
Haney, Dr. James L., Religion
Harvey, Dr. Gretchen G., History
Herman, Dr. Stewart W., Religion
Heuer, Dr. Charles V., Mathematics and Computer Science
Hiebert, Willard E., German
Hiestand, Dr. Thomas, Offutt School of Business
Houglum, Bruce M., Music
Hovde, Dr. Peter C., Political Science
Hoverson, Sharon R., Library
Hustuft, Carol A., Library
Ingberg, Dr. Alfhild, English
Iverson, Dr. Stanley A., Classical Studies
James, Linda S., Nutrition and Dietetics
Johnson, Dr. Ivan M., Biology | ijohnson@cord.edu
Johnson, Dr. Linda L., History
Keup, Dr. Linda C., Offutt School of Business
Kloster, Dr. Polly K., Nursing
Kohler, Robert, Physical Education and Health
Kopperud, Dr. Joan L., English
Larson, Dr. Betty J., Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science
Larson, Dr. George S., English
Larson, Mary E., Library
Legler, Dr. James R., Offutt School of Business
Luther, Dr. Bryan A., Physics
McCauley, Dr. Barbara A., Classical Studies
McMullen, Catherine O., English
McRae, Michele T., ACCORD, English, Reading-Writing Center
Meléndez, Dr. Pedro S., Spanish and Hispanic Studies
Moewes, Dr. David S., Business, Accounting, and Economics
Mork, Dr. David S., Chemistry
Nellermoe, Dr. Ronald L., Biology | nellermo@cord.edu
Nelson, Dr. Lois F., Nursing
Nick, Robert J., Physical Education and Health
Nygaard, Peter A., Music
Olive, Dr. Barbara A., English
Osborn, Howard H., Biology
O’Shaughnessy, Dr. Susan M., Philosophy
Paulson, Dr. Carlton, Biology
Pavek, Dr. Bernice J., Head Coach-Women’s Tennis, Physical Education
Pederson de Castañeda, Dr. Viann M., Spanish and Hispanic Studies, Master of Education in World Language Instruction
Peterson, Dr. Constance L., Nursing
Pipho, Dr. Armin P., Physical Education and Health
Prom, Lynn H., Education
Rauschnabel, June, Music
Rice, Allen E., Physical Education
Rice, Dr. Donald E., Communication Studies and Theatre Art | drice@cord.edu
Rice, Dr. Mary K., Spanish and Hispanic Studies, World Languages and Cultures | mrice@cord.edu
Rood, Vilera M. “Val,” Business Education and Office Administration
Rowell, Gerald V., Mathematics
Sandgren, Dr. David P., History
Sawyer, Dr. Lisa Lee, Music
Schmoll, Dr. Edward A., Classical Studies
Scott, Dr. Linda M., Nursing
Valderrama de Sillers, Dr. Leonor, Spanish and Hispanic Studies
Simmons, Rev. Dr. Ernest L. Jr., Religion
Siverson, Duane E., Head Coach-Golf, Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
Skaar, Donna J., Spanish
Smart-Morstad, Dr. Karla J., Education
Smerud, Dr. Warren D., Philosophy
Snyder, Dr. William J. Jr., English
Sprunger, Dr. David A., English
Stoen, Dr. Linda L., Education
Stradley, Dr. Scot A., Offutt School of Business
Swanson, Linda, Library
Thureen, Daniel J., Offutt School of Business
Todt, Dr. William L., Biology
Tomhave, Dr. William K., Mathematics
Ulness, Dr. James D., Psychology
Van Amburg, Dr. Gerald L., Biology
Vitalis, Luella M., Nursing
Witteman, Dr. Barbara, Education
Wohlfeil, Dr. Michael D., Education
Worth, Dr. David M., Music
Zeng, Dr. Xueqi, Mathematics