
View our Accessibility page to find information on accommodations, read-aloud databases, and specialized software. 


Concordia College sponsored events and programs may post notices, posters, and signage on the bulletin board directly adjacent to the Circulation Desk. These notices must be initialed and dated by the library’s Circulation Manager or a member of the permanent Circulation staff.  Campaign materials or notes of a personal nature may not be posted on the bulletin board. The bulletin board in the front entrance lobby is reserved for only Archives-related materials. All notices must be dated and will be removed in a timely fashion by permanent library staff. The library reserves the right to refuse materials that violate campus policies and the student code of conduct here at Concordia College. 

Tables throughout the library on the first and second floors are also available for table tent advertising. Permission must be requested through the library administrative assistant, Colleen Egan. Please contact Colleen ( or 218.299.4640) for more information on table tent reservations.


The staff of the Carl B. Ylvisaker library provides many services and resources to alumni of the college. For more information, see our Alumni Library Resources guide.


Books, DVDs, CDs, etc. 6 weeks, 1 renewal
Journals and Magazines Do not circulate
ILLs Based on lending library policies
Books, DVDs, CDs, etc. 3 months, 3 renewals up to 1 year
Journals and Magazines 3 days
ILLs Based on lending library policies
Books, DVDs, CDs, etc. 4 weeks
Journals and Magazines Do not circulate

Course Reserves

Electronic Reserves

If your professor has placed items on electronic reserve, you should be able to access it through your Moodle course page.

Print (Traditional) Reserves

If your professor has placed items on reserve (print, also known as "traditional"), stop by the Library's Circulation Desk to check out the item. You can check out most reserve items for two hours.

Unsure what item(s) to ask for? Check your syllabus, or follow these directions: 

  1. Go to Course Reserves Search and search by course or instructor.
  2. Find your course and click on the course title to display a list of all reserve items for your course.
  3. In the results list, click on the title of the item you are looking for and, write down the Call Number. 
  4. Take this number to the library's Circulation Desk and check out the item.


Here are some general instructions for placing materials into the traditional reserve collection or adding electronic reserves to your class on Moodle.


Preparing items for the reserve collections takes time. Please submit all reserve requests as early as possible.

Traditional Reserves

  1. Submit a reserve request form at least two working days prior to the date your students will need the materials.
  2. Instructor-owned materials to be placed on reserve, should also be delivered to the library's Circulation Department at least two working days prior to the date your students will need them.

Electronic Reserves

  1. Submit a reserve request form at least two weeks prior to the date your students will need the materials.
  2. Single-sided photocopies of all instructor-owned materials should be delivered to the library's Circulation Department at least two weeks prior to the date your students will need them. Please include the title page and copyright page of the source. Library staff can photocopy materials for you at the rate of $.20 per page.


Library staff will notify you when your reserve materials are available for your students.

Traditional Reserves

When your items have been added to the reserve collection, you will receive an e-mail with Reserve ID numbers for each item. Please give these numbers to your class. Students will use these Reserve IDs to request materials at the Circulation Desk

Electronic Reserves

Library staff will notify you of copyright status and reserve availability. When you receive notification of availability, please check to make sure that the material is readable and provide your students with instructions for accessing the material through Moodle.

Good to know...

Traditional Reserves

  1. As a general rule, Interlibrary loan materials cannot be placed on reserve.
  2. Faculty members may use reserve materials for a class by booking them in advance. Contact Leah Anderson, Circulation Manager.

Electronic Reserves

  1. At the end of each semester, all reserve items are deleted from each Moodle account. Students taking an incomplete will need to arrange for access to these materials with their instructor.

What may be placed on electronic reserve?

Course reserves are maintained by the library's Circulation Department. If you would like to learn more about the service or have any questions as to what may be placed on electronic reserve, please contact Leah Anderson, Circulation Manager.

Possible items include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • An article from a journal.
  • A single chapter from a book.
  • A music/audio file or track from a CD.
  • A poem.
  • A story.
  • An essay.

Before the material can be placed on electronic reserve, however, at least one of the following must apply:

  • The library subscribes to the material in electronic format.
  • The library owns or subscribes to the material in print.
  • The library owns the CD.
  • The material is in the public domain.
  • The material is a U.S. government document.
  • The library receives permission from the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Use of the material is determined to be fair use as described in Section 107 of Title 17, U.S. Code.

Items that cannot be placed on electronic reserve include:

  • Workbooks.
  • Standardized tests.
  • Multiple works by the same author.*
  • Multiple items from the same journal issue.*
  • Multiple chapters from the same book.*

* The library may place such items on reserve if it is able to secure the necessary copyright permissions. Contact Leah Anderson, Circulation Manager for more information.

What about copyright?

The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library at Concordia College encourages the appropriate use (i.e., reproduction, distribution, performance, and display) of copyrighted works and materials for teaching, scholarship, and research purposes consistent with federal copyright law and the standards for fair use. Library materials are made available in accordance with Section 107 of Title 17, U.S. Code.

Library staff will determine the copyright status of all materials submitted for reserve. The Library also will seek the necessary permission from and pay the fees to the Copyright Clearance Center (if required).


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about copyright. Library staff members are not lawyers and cannot offer legal advice, but follow the general guidelines laid out in the responses to the questions.

How much of a book can I place on electronic reserve or reproduce for class?

Library staff rely on the Fair Use Exemption (Title 17, U.S. Code, §107) to determine how much of a work can be placed on reserve. This means that the portion used must meet certain standards of purpose, nature, quantity, and market effect. There is no prescribed “safe amount” and Fair Use is often ambiguous. If library staff determines that a situation does not constitute Fair Use, they will seek permission from the copyright holder.

For additional information on Fair Use please refer to

Can I legally convert my old VHS tapes to DVD for use in the classroom setting?

Converting the VHS tapes to DVD would constitute creation of a derivative work, which could infringe the copyright holder's exclusive right to make derivative works unless Fair Use or another exemption applies. Each VHS tape will need to be evaluated individually to determine if conversion is permissible. If a DVD of the material is available for purchase, it is best to purchase the item. If a DVD of the material is not available for purchase, it is best to seek copyright permission for each item. If only a portion of the material is needed in the classroom, making a DVD of ONLY the necessary portion favors Fair Use.

If a book is out of print, can I photocopy or digitize it for my students?

If the book is still protected by copyright, you must rely on Fair Use or some other exemption to make the material available. However, it is likely you are within your rights to reproduce portions of the work if you or the library owns a legally obtained copy of the material.

Can music recordings be digitized and placed on electronic reserve?

Yes, provided the music is integral to the instruction of a music course. The Music Library Association has clearly delineated the reasons why digitizing musical recordings constitutes Fair Use. For the complete Music Library Association Statement, please refer to

Can I photocopy or digitize pages from a workbook so my students don’t have to purchase it?

No. Workbooks and standardized tests are considered consumable works and generally require permission from the copyright holder before reproducing, unless the work explicitly grants reproduction permission with purchase.

Can I repeatedly use the same reserve materials?

The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library’s staff uses the following guidelines in these matters.

  • If the library owns the material, a professor can request the item be put on reserve multiple times. 
  • If the library does not own the material it can be placed on reserve once. Additional requests will result in the library purchasing the material or seeking permission from the copyright holder. 
  • If permission is needed from the copyright holder, who pays the fees associated with the request?

The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library’s staff consults the Copyright Clearance Center to obtain permission for reserve items whenever possible. Sometimes the copyright holder requires direct contact. The library’s staff maintains the right to refuse to place on reserve materials which require excessive or exorbitant copyright permission fees. The library currently absorbs the costs of modest and reasonable copyright fees for reserve items.

Reserve Request Form



Find out more about our Library Instruction Program

Interlibrary Loan

  1. Search by title in the Library Catalog.
  2. Click on the title of the item you want 
  3. Click the "Request ILL" button   ILL button
  4. Fill out the form, including your library card number and email address
  5. You will be notified when your ILL is available. Article requests will be emailed to you.

Fill out a Manual Interlibrary Loan Request if your item is not available for ILL using the Library Catalog.

Reference Help

How do I access? 

Click on the maroon tab at the bottom of the library homepage. 

Who staffs this service?

The Library's Ask a Librarian service is staffed by faculty librarians. 

Do you save transcripts?

We regularly purge the archives of all old reference interview transcripts, though we may review them from time to time as a way to evaluate our own performance and assess the service. See our privacy policy for more details.

What is Instant Messaging (IM) and how does it work?

IM refers to chat software. These programs enable live conversations over the computer. Click on the maroon widget available on several of our pages and follow the on-screen instructions to chat with a Concordia librarian.

Privacy Policy

The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library staff respects our users' privacy. This policy clarifies the information collected by our IM chat service and explains how this information may be used.

The Library's IM privacy policy includes:

  • What information we collect
  • Potential use of this information
  • Who has access to chat information
  • With whom chat information may be shared,
  • And your choices regarding the collection, use, and distribution of chat information

What information is collected by the chat service?

Users have an option to enter their name or a pseudonym at the time a chat is initiated. Chats through the Ask a Librarian on-screen widget are visible only to faculty librarians.

For what purposes might the information be used?

Chat information is used to help librarians analyze the number and types of questions we are being asked. This data helps us determine appropriate staffing levels and aids in training librarians.

Who has access to this information?

This information is accessible only to faculty librarians and those library staff members who are associated with the Ask a Librarian service.

With whom might the library staff share this information?

Individual chats are not shared with anyone outside of the library. Statistics generated from chat logs or anonymous excerpts may be used for reports or publications. However, personal information (e.g., IP address, e-mail address, personal name, phone number, etc.) will never be shared outside of Concordia College's library.

What choices do users have regarding the collection, use and distribution of their information?

Any user who wants to have a record of their chat reference interaction may opt to download a chat transcript at the termination of the chat interaction.


Monday - Friday 9:00AM-1:00PM

Academic Year

Monday - Wednesday 9:00AM-4:00PM and 6:00PM-9:00PM

Thursday - Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM

Saturday CLOSED


Submit a question to us at

  • Questions are answered Monday through Friday.
  • Responses are sent within one business day.

Log into Navigate to set up a research appointment with a specific librarian. 

Room Reservations

Instruction Lab and Library Classroom

Use the Room Reservation form to reserve the Instruction Lab or Library Classroom. 

Study Rooms

Study rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

  • Drop-in usage of library study rooms is welcome.
  • Study rooms are to be used for legitimate academic purposes that support the instruction, research, and study needs of the College community.
  • Doors to study rooms are unlocked. Do not leave personal items unattended.
  • Study room users must maintain a moderate noise level – rooms are not soundproof.
  • Food and drink in covered containers are acceptable. Please pick up after yourself.
  • Occupants of library study rooms may be asked to leave for inappropriate behavior or failure to follow these guidelines.
  • Study rooms must be vacated 15 minutes before the library closes. 
  • Door to library study rooms are unlocked. Users are responsible for their personal property at all times and should never leave items unattended. The Carl B. is not liable for loss or damage to personal property.
  • Study rooms are intended to provide unique space for collaborative work and study for classroom or research-related activities and may not be used for semester-long instruction or office hours. 

Leah McCracken Anderson

Access Services Manager Library