Leah McCracken Anderson Access Services Manager P 218.299.4641 E landerso@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Mary Anderson Access Services Assistant P 218.299.4641 F 218.299.4253 E manderso@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Jennie Archer First-Year Experience Librarian P 218.299.4827 F 218.299.4253 E jarcher@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Kevin W. Baggett Business and Outreach Librarian P 218.299.4635 E kbaggett@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Theresa A. Borchert Electronic Resources Librarian P 218.299.3235 F 218.299.4253 E borchert@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Allison M. Bundy Assistant Librarian; College Archivist; Digital Collections Librarian P 218.299.3180 E abundy@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Virginia L. Connell Coordinator of Library Instruction/Librarian P 218.299.3237 E vconnell@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Jennifer R. Ristau Acquisitions and Cataloging Coordinator P 218.299.4252 F 218.299.4253 E ristau@cord.edu Department/Office: Library