Dr. Danielle Gravon Adjunct Instructor, Digital Design P 218.299.4623 E dbgravon@cord.edu Department/Office: Art
Coral Johnson Gallery Assistant, Cyrus M. Running Gallery P 218.299.4623 E cjohns62@cord.edu Department/Office: Art
Dr. Susan J. Lee Associate Professor, Art History; Program Director, Heritage and Museum Studies P 218.299.3310 E slee@cord.edu Department/Office: Art, Women's and Gender Studies, Heritage and Museum Studies, Greek and Roman Studies
Jess Matson-Fluto Adjunct Instructor, Painting/Foundations P 218.299.4623 E jmatsonf@cord.edu Department/Office: Art
Dr. Jeff Meyer Chair, Art; Professor, Music History, Music Theory, and Global Music; Director, Pempamsie; Director, Concordia Gamelan P 218.299.4885 E meyer@cord.edu Department/Office: Music, Art
Dwight Mickelson Adjunct Instructor, 3D/Sculpture P 218.299.4623 E dmickels@cord.edu Department/Office: Art
Christian E. Mortenson Associate Professor, Photography; Director, Cyrus M. Running Gallery P 218.299.4330 E cmortens@cord.edu Department/Office: Art