Programs of Study

Whether you want to study the field at the graduate level, work in the chemical or pharmaceutical industries, or gain a firm foundation for a career in the health professions, our chemistry department is the gateway to your best future.

Major or Minor in Chemistry

Chemistry majors will understand the core principles of chemistry and be able to communicate their knowledge in the field through both writing and speaking.

ACS Chemistry Major

Students may choose to concentrate in traditional chemistry, biochemistry or neurochemistry. Having a degree in ACS Chemistry is valuable to those hoping to pursue advanced degrees.

Major in Chemistry Education

Students seeking to teach chemistry must also fulfill requirements for a major in education.

Science (K-6) | Optional add-on endorsement for chemistry education majors

General Science (5-8) | Recommended add-on endorsement for chemistry education majors

Major or Minor in Neuroscience

Neuroscience studies how the brain and nervous system acquire, process and integrate information from the environment and how this information brings about behavior of an organism. 


Biochemistry surveys the chemistry and biology of the fundamental molecules of life: carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and cofactors. 


Neurochemistry studies the chemical and biochemical aspect of neuroscience including ligand binding, pharmacokinetics and second messenger cascades. 

"The openness of the Integrated Science Center means that everywhere you go, you see activity – whether it’s in the classrooms, labs, study spaces, or the commons. In designing the building, we said we wanted to emphasize ‘learning science by doing science’ and I think we've definitely accomplished that."
Dr. Mark Jensen, Professor

Science Academy

Run by faculty and students, this outreach organization is dedicated to creating excitement about STEM disciplines in children and teens throughout the region.

State of the Art

Modern Science

Designed for "learning science by doing science," the Integrated Science Center features 19 teaching labs, $1 million in new lab equipment, 16 classrooms, and plenty of study spaces.

Program Benefits

Instrument Lab

The Chemistry department is home to a selection of state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation. These instruments are incorporated into a number of laboratory courses as well as seeing extensive use in faculty research programs.

Laser Facility

The laser facility is available for both research and coursework by Concordia's undergraduate students. Research areas include noisy light spectroscopy and halogen bonding investigation.

Gaining Experience

Students earn academic credit for doing internships at medical facilities, laboratories and businesses. The American Chemical Society selected Concordia’s program a national model for combining learning and work experience.

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Dr. Julie Mach

Chair/Associate Professor, Chemistry Chemistry, Neuroscience