Honors and Awards in History
Phi Alpha Theta
Eligible students are inducted into this national history honors society once a year.
Students who complete three history courses with a minimum grade point average of 3.1 in History and a GPA of 3.0 or better overall are eligible to join Phi Alpha Theta. There is a lifetime induction fee of $50.00. Members of Phi Alpha Theta are eligible to present their research at local, regional, and national research colloquia and conferences. Students are welcome to participate in the Phi Alpha Theta/History Club activities while taking the courses to become eligible for Phi Alpha Theta membership. See the Concordia College Phi Alpha Theta/History Club Facebook page for society/club activities.
Department Honors
History Departmental Honors are awarded to history majors completing projects based on original research and presenting them publicly.
History majors develop a research project based on original research (frequently drawing from research conducted for History 410: Research Seminar). Students are required to make a public presentation of their research in which they respond to questions. Opportunities for public presentation include a variety of local, regional, and national conferences, such as the Northern Great Plains History Conference, regional or national Phi Alpha Theta conferences, or the Celebration of Student Scholarship, in consultation with the history faculty. Departmental Honors recipients must have a minimum grade point average of 3.75 within their History major.
It is recommended that students who wish to pursue Departmental Honors seek the guidance of a History Department faculty member.
Outstanding History Student Award
The Outstanding History Student Award is awarded periodically by History Department faculty to recognize a graduating history major who has excelled in history course work and original research. The recipient must have received History Department Honors.
Student-Faculty Research
History Department faculty members are eligible to receive the Concordia College Centennial Research grants to conduct research with students.
Centennial Research Co-Inquirers
In most years, a number of Concordia faculty are awarded grants to work with two students on an in-depth project in their discipline, focusing either on a primary research topic or on the best teaching methods in their discipline. The student partners work as true collaborators with the faculty member. History majors wishing to conduct research with a History faculty member should identify a History Department faculty member whose area of expertise matches their interest and explore the possibility of conducting research together under the auspices of this college grant.