Every Concordia student gets a chance to experience the in-depth teaching in the religion department through core courses. Many elect to dive deeper into what the department offers, discovering more about world religions including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism.

Classes range from biblical Hebrew to how pop culture shapes religion and religion shapes pop culture. Coursework in religion will help students to lead an examined life by building up self-knowledge and compassion for others throughout the world.


Where can you go with a religion major? Anywhere you like. Religion majors find careers all over the map. While some work in religious settings, many others work in businesses, higher education, and social justice organizations.

Special Opportunities

If you want to experience rich conversations, opposing viewpoints and the opportunity to view faith from various religious perspectives through scholars who have expert information, spending some time in the religion department is just the place for you. Better yet, travel with some of these expert faculty members to religious sites around the world including Egypt, Greece, Italy, India, China, and more.

Santorini, Greece

The Santorini, Greece, experience is a monthlong abroad opportunity that combines the Religion in Global Context course with cultural immersion on the island of Santorini and in Turkey. This experience introduces students to basic language skills, cultural experiences, and the study of religion in Greece and Turkey. It introduces students to the complexity of the academic study of religion and its relation to culture in a global arena in a way that will help students develop critical knowledge and thinking skills about some of the most pressing modern social issues of our age — in this case, the Greek/Turkey refugee crisis.

Programs of Study

Religion Major or Minor

Religion courses will teach you history, diversity, tolerance, leadership, critical thinking, and analytical writing. Religion majors and minors are encouraged to pursue an emphasis that develops their particular interests and passions and prepares them for their vocational aspirations.

Interfaith Studies Minor

The interfaith studies minor promotes interreligious literacy with the cultivation of skills and competencies necessary for living in a pluralistic world. This is an emerging academic field that has the practical aim of developing professionals who can “responsibly engage the world” as interfaith leaders.

Degree Requirements and Courses

Winnipeg Orthodoxy Weekend

For more than 40 years, the religion department has hosted a tour to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to introduce participants to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. All interested students, faculty, and staff should inquire at the religion department office for details. We make visits to the Coptic (Egyptian) Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches.


Mathetai is a student organization for students pursuing a major or minor in religion but is open to any student with an interest in religion. The group meets monthly or bimonthly to engage in open, respectful conversations about religion and theology. Past events have included trips to Orthodox churches, movie and discussion nights, and the annual pancake cook-off between religion professors.

World Christianity Semester — Hong Kong

Experience Christianity in a new light. Study four religion courses at the Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) in Hong Kong and gain an opportunity to see the international Christian mission firsthand in one of the most energetic and internationally oriented cities in the world.

Destination: South Africa May Seminar

What role does religion play in apartheid in South Africa and the reconciliation or retribution during the process of change? You can answer those questions through firsthand experiences during a study abroad experience with religion professors. Offered alternating summers.

Concordia’s religion major enabled me to appreciate and be respectful of the diversity around me. The religion major cultivated compassion and kindness thanks to all the wonderful professors willing to listen and positively critique.

— Medora Frei ’17

Dr. Elna K. Solvang

Chair/Professor, Religion Religion, Women's and Gender Studies