The interdisciplinary interfaith studies minor is the perfect supplement for any major, as it gives students the knowledge and skills needed to engage a religiously diverse world and be literate global citizens. Whatever career path students choose to pursue — whether business or health care, social work or psychology, among others — an understanding of the world's diverse religious and cultural traditions is essential. The interfaith studies minor includes a hands-on internship/practicum as well as exciting opportunities for experiential learning, interfaith service and cooperation, and genuine encounter with the interfaith neighbor — a curriculum designed to help graduates build peace and pluralism through mutual understanding.

Robyn Adams '16

The interfaith studies minor at Concordia taught me the practical skills to interact with people from diverse religious backgrounds on a personal and professional level.

Faith & Spirituality

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More Than a Degree

With the purpose to make a difference with her degree, Carlie Heinecke ’23 found her calling in the valuable experiences within Concordia’s healthcare leadership program.

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Nursing: The Nation’s Most Trusted Profession

Once a nursing student at Concordia, Dr. Tally Tinjum ’03 has come full circle as she teaches future nurses an individualized approach with patients.

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