Dr. Ahmed Afzaal Associate Professor, Religion P 218.299.3423 E afzaal@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Social Activism
Dr. David Creech Associate Professor, Religion P 218.299.3908 E dcreech@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Social Activism
Michael A. Johnson Assistant Professor, Religion P 218.299.3334 E johnsonm@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion
Dr. Michelle M. Lelwica Professor, Religion P 218.299.3437 E lelwica@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Women's and Gender Studies, Pre-Law
Dr. Anne T. Mocko Associate Professor, Religion P 218.299.3436 E amocko@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion
Amy B. Nelson Adjunct Instructor, Religion P 218.299.3334 E anelso14@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion
Dr. Jan H. Pranger Program Director, Global Studies; Associate Professor, Religion P 218.299.3416 E pranger@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Global Studies
Dr. Elna K. Solvang Chair/Professor, Religion P 218.299.3435 E solvang@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Women's and Gender Studies
Dr. Erick Thompson Adjunct Instructor, Religion P 218.299.3334 E ethomps1@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion
Lauren Wilson Administrative Assistant for English and Religion P 218.299.3812 (English) | 218.299.3334 (Religion) E lwilson4@cord.edu Department/Office: English, Religion
Dr. Ann R. Woods Adjunct Instructor, Religion P 218.299.3334 E awoods@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion