Dr. Ahmed Afzaal Associate Professor, Religion P 218.299.3423 E afzaal@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Social Activism
Dr. David Creech Associate Professor, Religion P 218.299.3908 E dcreech@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion, Social Activism
Dr. Kenneth W. Foster Chair/Professor, Political Science; Director, Community Engagement P 218.299.3528 E foster@cord.edu Department/Office: Political Science, Global Studies, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Social Activism, Community Engagement
Dr. Kirsten E. Theye Professor, Communication Studies; Program Director, Social Activism P 218.299.4305 F 218.299.4256 E ktheye@cord.edu Department/Office: Communication Studies, Social Activism, Master of Science in Nutrition/Dietetic Internship
Dr. Tess Varner Program Director, Women's and Gender Studies; Assistant Professor, Philosophy; Programming Facilitator, Dovre Center P 218.299.3619 E tvarner@cord.edu Department/Office: Philosophy, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Global Studies, Social Activism, Women's and Gender Studies, Dovre Center for Faith and Learning