Dr. Alexander Aldrich Assistant Professor of Spanish P 218.299.3103 E aaldrich@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Amaya Amell Adjunct Instructor of Spanish P 218.299.3754 E aamell@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Karin Hillstrom Instructor of German and Spanish P 218.299.4932 E khillstr@cord.edu Department/Office: German, Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Ady M. Johnson Assistant Professor of Spanish P 218.299.3941 E johnsona@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Dr. Ingrid Luna-Lopez Assistant Professor of Spanish P 218.299.3754 E ilunalop@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Dr. Fanny R. Roncal Ramirez Associate Professor of Spanish P 218.299.4255 E froncalr@cord.edu Department/Office: Global Studies, Spanish, World Languages and Cultures, Master of Education
Rebecca Sheldon Adjunct Instructor of Spanish P 218.299.3754 E rmiller2@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Dr. Lisa A. Twomey Associate Professor of Spanish P 218.299.3340 E twomey@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, Master of Education, World Languages and Cultures