Major: Vocal Music Education
Minor: Church Music

What is your dream job after college and how do you want to make an impact?

My dream career after college is to teach choir at a secondary level and build and sustain a passionate community of student musicians.

What year are you here at Concordia?

I am a sophomore expected to graduate in 2024.

What are you involved in on campus? What kind of work do you want to be known for?

On campus, I am involved in a lot of choral ensembles primarily. This year, I currently sing in The Concordia Choir, Tactus Chamber Choir, Vocal Jazz I, and the Cobbershop Quartet. I also have another on-campus job working as an administrative assistant for the choral department.

What is your favorite Cobber tradition and why? What stories do you have to share about that tradition?

My favorite Cobber tradition is the annual Concordia Christmas Concert. This celebration of faith and music has a special aspect of humanity for everyone. The way that this concert brings together our campus community, Fargo-Moorhead residents, and Concordia graduates, is truly a special celebration to ring in the holiday season.

Tell us your favorite stop on tour and why it's your favorite. Why do you connect with the space?

My favorite place to stop on tour is Memorial Auditorium because whether you are a student-athlete, theologian, or musician, you connect with the spaces in so many different ways that are all special in their own way.

Words of wisdom for prospective students?

College can be very confusing, but current students and faculty are super willing to help you with any questions you might have. Take advantage of campus resources, ask questions, and never be afraid to ask for help. Some may think it shows weakness but, in fact, it shows true strength.

Why did you choose Concordia? Was there a defining moment in your college search process?

I chose Concordia because of the sensational music program and all of the opportunities the college offered me to pursue music while still being in a thriving liberal arts community. The small class sizes and tight-knit campus community made sure that I can always say hi to a friendly face while walking around campus, which is awesome.

What does it mean to be a Cobber in one word?


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