Emily Dunlap '24
Majors: Global Studies with a European studies concentration, Spanish
Minors: Business, Cross-Cultural Interaction
What is your dream job after college and how do you want to make an impact?
I still don’t know exactly what my dream job is after college, but I know that I want to travel, learn from, and help the people that live in places around the world. As both a global studies and Spanish major at Concordia, I am confident that the experiences I will have throughout my years here will help me to do just that.
What year are you here at Concordia?
I’m a sophomore and plan to graduate in spring 2024.
What are you involved in on campus? What kind of work do you want to be known for?
On campus, I’m involved with the Campus Events Commission (CEC) as a special events committee member. I will also be an Associate Resident Assistant (ARA) in the residence halls and I’m a student ambassador in the Office of Admission. I work with a lot of people on campus and I want to be known for being a friendly face, having a good attitude, and a strong work ethic.
What is your favorite Cobber tradition and why? What stories do you have to share about that tradition?
Considering I started at Concordia during COVID-19, I didn’t get to experience as many of the Cobber traditions the same as they were in the past. I will say that my favorite Cobber tradition that I did get to experience was Orientation Week. During this week, I met a lot of people and got to see who some of my classmates were. It was difficult to meet people, especially during a pandemic, but Orientation was a great way to meet some of my classmates and other students on campus. One night during Orientation Week, my whole Orientation Club walked to the Moorhead Dairy Queen and it was so much fun. We all got to hang out and eat ice cream together as a club.
Tell us your favorite stop on tour and why it’s your favorite. Why do you connect with the space?
My favorite stop on tour is the Knutson Campus Center. I love going there and meeting friends for lunch or staying to study in The Maize. Sometimes I need to leave my dorm to be more productive and Knutson is the first place I go.
Words of wisdom for prospective students?
Don’t procrastinate. All of your assignments pile up very quickly, so do them as soon as you can. If you are struggling with something, whether it’s with classes or something personal, there are so many resources on campus to help. You can reach out to anyone and they can help you out or they can help find someone who can help.
Why did you choose Concordia? Was there a defining moment in your college search process?
At the beginning of my college search, I ruled out Concordia because I didn’t want to be so close to home as I am from Fargo. In 2020 when the pandemic started, I decided I wanted to be closer to home and chose Concordia. Concordia is also a smaller college community and that’s exactly what I was looking for. Most of my classes are less than 30 people and it has helped me grow in my learning as I am more comfortable talking with my classmates and professors. Now, while walking to class, I’ll see friends from classes or professors I’ve had and every single person says hi. It’s such a warm feeling to be a part of a place where the people are so welcoming.
What does it mean to be a Cobber in one word?