Moorhead Corn Feed
5:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17
Near Prexy's Pond at Concordia College
Corn provided; concessions available for purchase
Inflatable obstacle courses and face painting will be available for children.
No RSVP needed
We are ready for another summer of Cobbers coming together to reconnect over some corn and good conversations.
Below we have compiled a list of corn feeds across the country listed alphabetically.
5:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17
Near Prexy's Pond at Concordia College
Corn provided; concessions available for purchase
Inflatable obstacle courses and face painting will be available for children.
No RSVP needed
5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9
Gathered Oaks, 4550 County Road 34 NW
Corn provided. Food and beverage options available for purchase.
Hosted by Anne (Nelson) '77 and Dave '77 Larson
RSVPs appreciated
5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1
Roundhouse Brewery, 23836 Smiley Road, Nisswa, Minn.
Corn, barbecue, and water provided. Please bring a dish to share. Drinks will be available to purchase.
Hosted by Layne '95 and Helene '96 Danielson
RSVPs appreciated to layneandhelene@msn.com or 218.851.0933
6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30
Lester Park, 61st Avenue East and Superior Street
Corn will be provided. Please bring a dish to share.
Hosted by Erin Grabinger '21
RSVP preferred
6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 8
Lions Shelter, 405 W. Pleasure Drive
Corn and beverages provided. Please bring a dish to share.
Hosted by Julie Rick '80, Kris Haugo '80, and Kristi Quitney '80
RSVP to 5jrick0606@gmail.com
6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 4
Heartland Park, 303 Mill Road
Corn and brats provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Hosted by Jeff Cadwell '89
RSVPs preferred
5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15
Vinje Lutheran Church, 1101 Willmar Ave. SW
Corn and beverages provided. Bring a dish to share.
Hosted by the Hovland Cobbers: Lyle '92, Jill '92, Cayle '22, Scott '95, Avery '21, and Alec '24
RSVPs appreciated to lylehovland@mac.com
5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14
Central Park Pavilion, 1501 Central Parkway
Corn, hot dogs, and veggie burgers provided
Hosted by the Alumni Relations Office
No RSVP required
5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7
Lions Picnic Pavilion, 12951 Weaver Lake Road
Corn, hot dogs, and veggie burgers provided
Hosted by the Alumni Relations Office
No RSVP required
5 p.m. Sunday, July 31
Lutheran Church of the Cross, 1004 East Highland Acres Road
Corn, plates, utensils, and beverages provided. Please bring a dish to share.
Hosted by the Rev. Lisa Ahlness '84 and Karl Carlson '93
RSVPs preferred to Karl at kc@bis.midco.net or 701.471.9164
2-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 11
Home of Katey Bignall, 614 Croell Ave., Tiffin, Iowa
Corn, burgers, brats, and veggie burgers provided. Please bring a side to share.
RSVP to Katey at kmbignall@gmail.com or 651.335.6950 with your favorite Concordia memory
3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13
Zimmermann Home, 3002 N. 61st St.
Corn, beverages, brats, and chicken provided. Please bring a dish to share.
RSVPs preferred to Robert at rzimmermann_98@yahoo.com or 414.873.0456
5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22
Spellerberg Park, 2201 W. 22nd St.
Corn, water, and tableware will be provided. Please bring a dish to share.
Hosted by Rachel '08 and Eric '07 Rodel and Kali '09 and Jonathan '10 Swift
RSVPs appreciated to SiouxFallsCornFeed@gmail.com but not required
5-7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15
Buffalo Hill Terrace Villa Auditorium, Immanuel Lutheran Communities, 40 Claremont Ave.
Corn, food, and beverages provided.
Hosted by Jason Cronk '90 and Rhonda Kalvig
RSVP to Jason at 406.261.8125 or jcronk33@hotmail.com
6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27
Grimsrud Home, 6761 E. Black Gold St.
Corn, burgers, and hot dogs provided. Please bring a side dish to share.
Please park in the driveway.
RSVPs required to rachaelle.grimsrud@gmail.com
3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7
Vistabrook Park, 6697 SW 88th Ave.
Corn and beverages provided. Please bring a dish to share.
RSVP to Steph at stephbarnhart1@gmail.com or 503.807.9733
Noon-3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6
Papago Park, Ramada #16
Corn provided. Please bring a dish to share.
Hosted by Amber Kelley '00
RSVP to azcornfeed@gmail.com with the dish you plan to bring
4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17
1493 Rancho Lane
Corn and main dishes provided. Sides are welcome but not required.
RSVP to Alexi Waul (alexi.waul@gmail.com or 310.270.3075) and Teri Gray (terigray12@gmail.com or 805.479.7171). Please indicate if you plan to bring a side dish.
Hosted by Alexi Waul '03 and Teri '85 and Jeremy '84 Gray
Want to host a Cobber Corn Feed in your area?
Hosts are reimbursed up to $200 for expenses.
Please contact Marah Moy '18 at mmoy@cord.edu or 218.299.3453.