Dr. Joseph C. Whittaker

Associate Professor, Biology; Program Co-Director, Environmental and Sustainability Studies Biology, Environmental and Sustainability Studies


Articles & Chapters

Whittaker, J., R. Sladek, and K. Noyes. 1991. Mature red pine forest with deciduous understory. Journal of Field Ornithology, 62:64-65.

Whittaker, J. C., E. List, J. R. Tester, and D. P. Christian. 1991. Factors influencing meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) distribution in Minnesota. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 105:403-405.

Whittaker, J. C., G. A. Feldhamer, and E. M. Charles. 1998. Differential capture of Peromyscus in different-sized Sherman traps. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 112:527-529.

Feldhamer, G. A., J. C. Whittaker, and E. M. Charles. 1998. Recent records of the cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus) in Illinois. American Midland Naturalist, 139:178-180.

Whittaker, J. C., and G. A. Feldhamer. 2000. Relative effectiveness of three live trap types for Blarina (Insectivora: Soricidae) and description of a new trap design. Mammalia, 64:118-124.

Weickert, C. C., J. C. Whittaker, and G. A. Feldhamer. 2001. Effects of large ungulates on small mammals at Land Between The Lakes, Kentucky. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 115:247-250.

Feldhamer, G. A., J. C. Whittaker, and S. R. Bloemer. 2002. Often unseen fauna: small mammals and mesocarnivores on Land Between The Lakes. Pp. 421-435 in J. S. Fralish and E. W. Chester (eds.). Land Between The Lakes, Kentucky and Tennessee: Four Decades of Tennessee Valley Authority Stewardship. Austin Peay State University Center for Field Biology, Clarksville, TN.

Feldhamer, G., J. Whittaker, A. M. Monty, and C. Weickert. 2002. Charismatic mammalian megafauna: marketing strategy reflects public empathy. Journal of Popular Culture, 36:160-167.

Whittaker, J. C., and G. A. Feldhamer. 2005. Habitat associations of southern short-tailed shrews (Blarina carolinensis) from live trap data in southern Illinois. Pp. 255-263 in J. F. Merritt, S. Churchfield, R. Hutterer, and B. A. Sheftel (ed.s). Advances in the Biology of Shrews II. Special Publication, International Society of Shrew Biologists, 01: 1-454.

Whittaker, J. C., and G. A. Feldhamer. 2005. Population dynamics and activity of southern short-tailed shrews (Blarina carolinensis) in southern Illinois. Journal of Mammalogy, 86:294-301.


Dr. Joseph C. Whittaker

Associate Professor, Biology; Program Co-Director, Environmental and Sustainability Studies ISC – 213