Dovre Center Programs and Grants
Faculty Study Grants
These grants allow faculty or administrators to attend a relevant conference or conduct research in the relation of faith and learning to their work at Concordia.
Grant range: $500-$1,000
Faculty Research Teams
Conduct research with other faculty members or students in the area of faith and learning.
Grant range: $1,000-$3,000
Faculty and Administrator Discussions
Meet with other college professionals to discuss a faith and learning book or topic.
Grant range: $500-$750
Innovative Projects
Creative project proposals of various funding amounts are invited. Feel free to submit an exploratory idea.
Additional Programs
Faculty Mentoring: Join
Faculty Publications: The Dovre Center can assist you in publishing your work in faith and learning, such as in the ELCA's Intersections, or in attending related conferences.
Regional Conferences: Attend conferences and present your work on topics relevant to Lutheran higher education in conjunction with Lilly network schools.
Vocation of Lutheran Colleges Conference: This three-day summer conference at a sister college covers a variety of topics relating to Lutheran higher education, in collaboration with the ELCA program unit on vocation and education.