We affirm the gifts and service of our LGBTQ community. We affirm the dignity of every soul and welcome students, faculty and staff from around the world.

President Craft

The Program

The purpose of PRIDEnetwork (formerly the Safe Space Initiative), our LGBTQIA+ advocacy organization, is to make the Concordia College campus a safer and freer environment for all members of our community regardless of orientation or identity. PRIDEnetwork members pledge to be confidential, nonjudgmental, and supportive contacts for all individuals of the Concordia College community identifying as LGBT+. PRIDEnetwork also strives to educate the campus community about the initiative.

Safe Spaces

People displaying this sticker are supportive, trustworthy, and sensitive to the needs and concerns of all individuals regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. Individuals displaying this sticker have completed ally training at Concordia.

EventsResource guide

  • Coordinator Jon Leiseth, Office of Ministry
  • Elijah Amelse, Student Engagement
  • Aileen Buslig, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Colleen Egan, Library
  • David Hamilton, Music
  • Rachael Michaud, Admission
  • Luke Papenfuss, ITS
  • Becca Quimby, Athletics
  • Sarah Seger, Mathematics
  • Anne Teitelman, Student Conduct

The Concordia College faculty and staff listed below have completed ally training. Each serves as an ally and resource for LGBTQ-identified individuals.

  • Ellen Aho, Biology
  • Stephanie Ahlfeldt, Academic Affairs/Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Jason Askvig, Biology
  • Samantha Axvig, Admission
  • Thelma Berquó, Physics
  • Heather Boecker, History/Political Science/Sociology and Social Work
  • Tracey Bostick, Communications and Marketing
  • Kayla Brantner, Financial Aid
  • Aileen Buslig, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Karen Carlson, Alumni Relations
  • Cynthia Carver, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Roxane Case, Cultural Events
  • Jonathan Clark, World Languages and Cultures
  • Rachel Clarke, Advancement
  • Ginny Connell, Library
  • Anne Craft, Center for Student Success
  • David Creech, Religion
  • Brynn Culloton, Admission
  • Catherine Dickey, Business Office
  • Nat Dickey, Music
  • Lori Feigum, Art
  • Ken Foster, Political Science/Community Engagement
  • Peter Haberman, Music
  • Trina Hall, Advancement
  • Katherine Halvorson, Advancement
  • David Hamilton, Music
  • Randy Hittman, Facilities Management
  • Mona Ibrahim, Psychology
  • James Jehlik, ITS
  • Mark Jensen, Chemistry
  • Vicki Juven, Advancement
  • Ahmed Kamel, Offutt School of Business
  • Mikal Kenfield, Residence Life
  • Joe Kennedy, ITS
  • Karla Knutson, English
  • Mark Krejci, Psychology
  • Susan Larson, Academic Affairs/Psychology
  • Cindy Larson-Casselton, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Jon Leiseth, Office of Ministry
  • Michelle Lelwica, Religion
  • Philip Lemaster, Psychology
  • Matthew Luther Lindholm, Sociology
  • Joy Lintelman, History/Heritage and Museum Studies
  • Kristi Loberg, Social Work
  • Shan "Susanna" Lu, International Community
  • Julie Maahs, Career Center
  • Bill MacDonald, Public Safety
  • Leah McCracken Anderson, Library
  • Anne Mocko, Religion
  • Sara Morberg, Counseling Center and Disability Services
  • Anne Jennifer Nash, Music
  • Joy Navratil, Biology
  • Jasi O’Connor, Institutional Effectiveness
  • Amanda Pieters, Cobber Kids
  • James Postema, English
  • Carol Pratt, Biology
  • Laura Probst, Library
  • Erik Ramstad, ITS
  • Gay Rawson, World Languages and Cultures
  • Diane Renner, Advancement
  • Vincent Reusch, English
  • Nathalie Rinehardt, Student Engagement
  • Jennifer Ristau, Library
  • Heidi Rogers, Center for Student Success
  • Sunet Rubalcava, Center for Student Success
  • Steve Schaefer, Admission
  • Shanda Schmidt, Academic Affairs
  • Darcie Sell, Psychology
  • Lisa Sethre-Hofstad, Student Development and Campus Life/Psychology
  • Lisa Sjoberg, Registrar's Office
  • Elna Solvang, Religion
  • Wendy Spiesman, Library
  • Jonathan Steinwand, English/Environmental and Sustainability Studies
  • Fred Sternhagen, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Krys Strand, Biology/Neuroscience
  • Kirsten Theye, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Peggy Torrance, Human Resources
  • Mike Vandenberg, Admission
  • Petra Vanderford, Conferences and Events
  • Jillain Veil-Ehnert, Foundation Relations and Research Grants
  • Heather Waddell, Greek and Roman Studies/Philosophy
  • Amy Watkin, English
  • Brandon Wente, Admission
  • Sonja Wentling, History/Global Studies
  • Joe Whittaker, Biology/Environmental and Sustainability Studies
  • David Wintersteen, Communication Studies and Theatre Art
  • Graeme Wyllie, Chemistry

The professional philosophy and compassionate practice of the Health Services Office unequivocally supports PRIDEnetwork on our campus. We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment that respectfully seeks to meet the health and well-being of all members of our college community.

We see the process of confronting heterosexual privilege and interrupting the cycle of oppression as central to our work of equipping students for citizenship and leadership in the pluralistic contexts of the U.S. and global community in the 21st century.

Part of the mission of the Office of Residence Life is to provide a safe living environment that promotes personal growth. We strive to listen, support, and work with all students in their living environments and personal development, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

The Enrollment Division welcomes all students and works to support their goal of obtaining a Concordia education. We pledge to assist both prospective and current students in finding the campus resources and services needed to thrive and succeed at Concordia.

We as staff at the Counseling Center fully support PRIDEnetwork on campus. We believe that social justice can be done through terminating hostile discrimination and creating a nonjudgmental environment. From a psychological perspective, this allows every individual to cultivate a healthy self-identity and to nurture genuine relationships. Free counseling/consultation appointments are provided to the community (students, staff/faculty) to address LGBTQIA issues (e.g., coming out process, supporting a loved one through coming out).

A primary responsibility of the Concordia Public Safety Office is to ensure that all members of the Concordia community may pursue their occupation and/or education without fear for their mental, emotional, and/or physical well-being. Furthermore, Concordia Public Safety is responsible for providing a safe academic, working, and living environment for all of the Concordia community and its visitors. Concordia College Public Safety responds to and investigates all reports of bias-related harassment, intimidation, and violence.

Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA)

The Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) is the place to go for queer community on campus. With social events as well as study times, LGBTQIA+ students and allies are welcome to build connections and discuss current issues – all with snacks! We meet at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. See the ConcoLife app for more info.

Inclusive Community

With a commitment to making the entire campus a safer and freer environment for all, Great Value Colleges named Concordia to the list of top 20.