Established on 02.13.2015 by anonymous donors †
Paul Bortnem was an ordained ELCA clergyperson and devoted his career to pastoral care. In addition to considering this vocation, the donors knew Paul had a keen interest in the sciences and math. His adult children and their spouses, knowing of Paul’s sense of equality, fairness, and respect for the humanizing effect women have, believe it is appropriate to combine these views with his interest in science and math by targeting this endowment to encourage women to pursue STEM careers. The donors heartily agree. The purpose of this endowment is to provide financial support on an annual basis to women enrolled in studies leading to a STEM-related career.
The Pastor Paul L. Bortnem Scholarship for Women’s Study in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid. Selection will be based on scholastic achievement and financial need.