Established on 02.16.2023 by Janet and George Dahlman, Bruce Dahlman, and Bradley Dahlman †
Janet L. (Nelson) Dahlman graduated from Concordia in 1971 with a home economics education major. She is grateful for the professional, liberal arts, Christian education which she was able to promote through her career and with her family. Inspired by their appreciation and love for Concordia and a passion for promoting nutrition and healthy living, Janet and George establish this endowed fund to support the nutrition and dietetics program. The Dahlmans’ annual support for students participating in the national meeting of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has further distinguished this program. It is their hope this fund will continue to enhance the nutrition and dietetics program and support the development of qualified professionals.
The purpose of the Janet L. ’71 and George S. Dahlman Nutrition and Dietetics Endowed Fund is to strengthen and sustain the mission and vision of Concordia College by providing an endowed fund which will support the nutrition and dietetics program.
† - Testamentary endowments may not be contributed to until they are fully established.