Established on 03.26.2011 by Craig W. Davenport †
Craig Walton Davenport was conceived in CANADA but born March 11, 1960, in the U.S.A. His birth mother Joanne Iredale flew out of Edmonton AB and flew down to Boise, ID, to stay with her Aunt Blanche Charlesworth in Caldwell, ID, during her pregnancy with Craig. Joanne was a court reporter and stenographer. Aunt Blanche Charlesworth told Craig that there were many lawyers and judges in the Charlesworth and Iredale families. Craig was adopted out to Harold and Helen Davenport right at birth and they lived in Caldwell, ID, for two years before moving to Libby, MT, in September 1962. Craig grew up in Libby attending public schools there but went to Christ Lutheran Church. Craig played baseball (making Babe Ruth 13-Year-Old All-Stars in 1973) most of his time growing up and also backpacked, swam, and cycled in and around Libby. Craig was a Pro Deo et Patria (For God and Country) recipient (Lutheran Scouting Award) in 1976 as well as an Eagle Scout in 1976, too.
After receiving his Eagle and Pro Deo et Patria awards, he left Scouting and concentrated on forming a Student Congress team at his high school teaching himself Parliamentary Procedure through Roberts Rules of Order. Craig took a first place presiding officer at the Columbia Falls Speech Meet in 1977 and later went on to Montana Boy's State where he was elected Speaker of the House in summer 1977. In his senior year in 1977-78, Craig was up for Valedictorian with a 3.9 GPA. Craig had an offer to attend Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, which his Lutheran pastor was going to write a letter of recommendation or could have attended St. Olaf in Northfield, MN, which his high school counselor was going to write a letter of recommendation, too. Craig chose Concordia because it was readily accessible by train and plane. At Concordia, Craig met Dr. Eric Lund. The two have been best friends for 44 years since the fall of 1978. Craig is a first generation college student from his family.
Craig attended Concordia for one year and then transferred to Whitworth College, a Presbyterian school in Spokane, WA, but didn't like it as much as Concordia. Craig had many friends at Concordia and went to his 25th Concordia Class reunion in 2007 and was warmly welcomed and had a magnificent time even though he had only attended for one year. Craig took a long time off from college and did graduate with a Bachelor's in Government with minors in anthropology and philosophy from Eastern Washington University on Father's Day 2001. Afterward, Craig worked on a board for Spokane County for 20 years from 2002 to upcoming 2022. Craig has also been the archivist for West Central Abbey, an Episcopal church since Fall 2021.
After graduating from EWU in 2001 Craig took continuation classes at the community college and completed The People's Law School in fall 2002. The People's Law School consisted of 14 courses all taught by different lawyers over a period of one quarter. Craig also took Greek and Hebrew through continuing education and had already completed First Year Latin at EWU in 2000. Craig is fascinated by Angle-Saxon and Celtic, too. He has read Beowulf, Caedmon's Hymn, and Dream of the Rood.
This is a short summary and biography of Craig Walton Davenport's life and he wished to create the endowed scholarship for students in Pre-Law and that have a love for Jurisprudence and "The Law."
The Craig W. Davenport Endowed Scholarship is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid to students in the Pre-Law Program who are majoring in courses designed to promote critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, strong writing, and speaking skills, and other classes which prepare students for law school. Majors may include but are not limited to, philosophy, English, political science, or Greek and Roman studies.