Established on 03.11.2020 by an Anonymous Donor
In 2016, a team of Concordia faculty and staff submitted a grant proposal to the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) S-STEM Program for funding to develop a FOCUS Program at Concordia College. The FOCUS Program (Fostering Opportunities in Community and Understanding for Success in STEM) is a project that aims to expand the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) workforce by developing and implementing strategies that attract, prepare, and retain academically talented students who bring diversity to the campus community and plan to pursue STEM careers.
A grant was approved by the NSF, creating a five-year partnership between Concordia College and the NSF from March 1, 2017 - February 28, 2022.
Specific objectives of the program are to develop (1) culturally targeted recruiting strategies to attract a broad range of eligible applicants, (2) academic and social support systems focused on retaining students and allowing them to flourish, and (3) distinctive vocational experiences that will prepare students for post-graduation success.
Students who qualify for the FOCUS Program have been enrolled at Concordia and become that particular year’s FOCUS “cohort.” Each FOCUS student is supported by scholarships and integrated high-impact learning practices such as first-year seminars, learning communities, and research & service learning opportunities which allows them to explore STEM careers in depth before choosing any one path or career direction. In addition, students are supported by academic services, faculty mentors, academic counselors, and peer mentors along with access to Concordia’s Center for Student Success.
The primary purpose of the Diversity STEM Endowed Fund is to create an endowment which will fund the FOCUS Program in perpetuity and will support the program in reaching its three primary goals:
1) Annually RECRUIT a diverse cohort of students interested in pursuing a STEM related career, who show the potential to succeed academically in a STEM major.
2) RETAIN these students through financial, academic, and social support.
3) PREPARE these students for a successful and fulfilling STEM career through vocational guidance, high quality learning experiences, and professional development opportunities.
The annual spending distribution from the fund will support the recruitment, retention, and preparation of STEM students, including a provision that a significant portion of the distribution be designated towards scholarships dedicated to students who bring diversity to the campus community, with the remainder available for other program initiatives including, but not limited to: internships, undergraduate research stipends and opportunities, and costs related to the administration of the program including program coordinator salary and supplies.
It is the intent of the Donors that the Diversity STEM Endowed Fund support STEM students who demonstrate financial need, as defined by the Office of Financial Aid, with preference given to new American families, underrepresented populations, and those candidates who bring diversity to the student body, as defined by the Concordia College Statement on Diversity which is periodically reviewed by the President’s Cabinet.