Established on 06.23.1981 by gifts from physicians, community members, and members of the Physicians Selections Committee of Fargo
R. E. "Ed" Fuglestad joined the staff of the biology department at Concordia College in 1927. Retiring in 1970, he completed an outstanding 43-year teaching career. In additions to his many other duties, Professor Fuglestad was the advisor to biology students interest in medicine. Upon retirement, he could boast that 187 students entered medical school during his tenure. Throughout the years, he maintained a keen interest in all of his former students and kept in tough with them through correspondence and his travels across the country. Professor Fuglestad died in 1981 at the age of 80. As reported in an article in the Concordia Alumni News in the summer of that same year, "He gave his students a vision, he excited their imagination, and he nurtured and prodded them on. But above all, he gave them a deep sense of humanity." This endowment was created to honor the legacy of excellence created by Professor Ed Fuglestad at Concordia College.
The Professor Ed Fuglestad Medical Endowed Scholarship Fund is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid to senior students who have the academic qualifications for acceptance into medical school. Selection is based on character, giving preference to well-rounded students who have a diverse resume of activities in addition to their scholastic achievements.