Established on 01.31.1996 by Dr. Gerald A. and Jeanette M. Heuer
Emeritus professor of mathematics, Dr. Gerald Heuer, graduated from Concordia College in 1951 and returned to teach in the Department of Mathematics from 1956 to 1995, which included serving as department chair between 1963 and 1970. After retiring, Jerry continued his wide-ranging research program for decades and held the position of Mathematician-in-Residence, maintaining his faithful and active presence on campus until his passing. For a remarkable three times, Jerry served as the leader of the USA Delegation to the International Mathematics Olympiad, the most prestigious high school mathematics competition in the world.
The Dr. Gerald A. and Jeanette M. Heuer Endowed Mathematics Award is awarded to one or more outstanding sophomore or junior students based upon nominations from the Department of Mathematics. If qualified candidates are equal, preference is given to students with financial need.