Established on 10.10.1988 by Alan's mother, Joan Klingbeil, and sister and brother-in-law, Julie and Steve Wolner
Alan Lewis Klingbeil was born April 16, 1964 in Mankato, MN. He was baptized and confirmed at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Mankato. At an early age, he was driven by goals and purpose. He became an Eagle Scout at age 14. Alan attended Mankato East High School and was active in band, orchestra, football, and tennis. Alan chose to attend Concordia College because of their hospital administration major and he was offered a scholarship.
During Alan’s sophomore year, he developed a malignant brain tumor and had to stay home second semester. During that time, prayers were said for him during chapel from the football team, tennis team, and from his many campus friends. After returning to Concordia his junior year, Alan could no longer be in sports so he turned back to his musical talents as a percussionist. He joined both band and orchestra. After graduating cum laude on time in the spring of 1986, Alan traveled with the Concordia Orchestra to Europe. Alan lived two more years, almost completing his MBA at Mankato State University. He died on July 12, 1988.
As a family, we were so grateful for the support Alan received during his illness from Concordia College, both from students and faculty; therefore, we established the Alan L. Klingbeil Memorial Endowed Merit Scholarship in his memory. The scholarship is to help other students pursuing a degree in hospital administration.
The Alan L. Klingbeil Memorial Endowed Merit Scholarship is awarded to senior students who are in good standing, demonstrate a humanitarian commitment and service to mankind, have earned a 3.0 GPA in their field of study during their junior year to students either majoring in hospital administration or (if no qualifying candidate) can be awarded to a senior pre-seminary student.