Established on 04.27.2018 by Kenneth A. Maul and Carol Angstman Maul '63 †
Ken and Carol Maul have been property owners and realtors in California and Oregon for over 40 years. Semi-retired, they have liquidated some of their properties and set up a charitable remainder unitrust to benefit the Concordia Choir. Always a fan of the choir, Ken and Carol hosted the choir when they were in Fresno, CA in 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012 as well as a very special concert to commemorate the opening of the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall in the Clovis Performing Arts Center in 2009. For each of these events, they raised funds, sold tickets, made meal and housing arrangements, and promoted the concerts to ensure large crowds. They have attended the Christmas programs in Moorhead and Minneapolis numerous times. Carol graduated in 1963 and sang in the Chapel Choir, being encouraged to attend Concordia College by her Princeton, MN, high school choir director, Cornell Runestad ('53). Ken was born and raised in Fresno and played trombone in the band; he continues his love of music by playing in local community bands.
The purpose of the Kenneth A. Maul and Carol Angstman Maul ‘63 Endowed Fund for Choral Tours is to provide funding for choir tour expenses beyond the typical tour budget. Examples include an exclusive tour concert hall rental, international tour financial assistance for select choir members, or providing funding for an exceptional travel experience (i.e. singing at the White House upon special invitation).
† - Testamentary endowments may not be contributed to until they are fully established.