Established on 07.18.2021 by O. Jeffry Olson, Stacie and Dr. Kevin Carpenter, Jenny and Dr. Rick Thiery, and Sara Olson

The O. Jeffry ’64 and Patricia ’64 Olson endowment scholarship is primarily given because Concordia College and its students need the funding. What gave the inspiration for this gift, besides the College, is the administration and professors that influenced this gift - in no particular order – Mr. John Pierce, President Paul Dovre, President William Craft, my experience as a student in 1960-1964, my two terms 1995-2005 on the Concordia College Board of Regents, Professor Mr. Roger Spilde, Dr. Ted Heimarck, Kristin Bortnem, and Mr. Ron Offutt.

My experience at Concordia College taught me to be a critical thinker and I have used that throughout my lifetime.


O. Jeffry Olson

The O. Jeffry '64 and Patricia '64 Olson Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more students of any class majoring in any program within the Offutt School of Business.