Established on 10.24.1989 by Sandra K. Olson †
Sandra K. (Johnson) Olson '66 grew up in rural North Dakota and was the first woman in her family to attend and graduate from college. This pioneering attitude let her to advocacy for women and a vocation dedicated to public service. Her Lutheran upbringing and adult Quaker faith expression are the underpinnings to her deep belief that "Peace is possible if people listen deeply to the concerns of those from different backgrounds and work collaboratively to be of service and find peaceful solutions." Were it not for scholarship and financial support it was a real possibility that she would not be able to attend Concordia. Sandra created this scholarship to honor and thank those who helped her and to ensure future generations of Concordia women dedicated to public service.
The Sandra K. Olson Public Service Scholarship is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid to sophomores, juniors, or seniors who are planning a career in public service or social activism. Selection is based on financial need and scholastic achievement.