Established on 10.24.2013 by Jerome Ostenson '62
When I was finishing my freshman year at Concordia, I didn’t know if I would be able to afford continuing or not. One day, the Dean of Men, Vic Boe, stopped by and told me that I would be awarded a $100.00 scholarship for my next year. He also was instrumental in setting me up for a two-hour-a-day dish-washing job at a small restaurant east of campus when I returned as a sophomore. The pay was one meal for each hour worked! It doesn’t seem like a big deal now, but at the time, it was just enough for me to return for one more year. At the end of the year, I again realized that I wouldn’t be able to return due to the lack of funds. I spent the next two years serving on active duty in the Army, an obligation that I incurred when I joined the Army Reserve as a junior in high school. When I finished my tour of duty, I returned to Concordia and graduated two years later. I found that when you have to take a break in your education, it becomes increasingly difficult to return to being an effective student.
The Tilmer and Edith Ostenson Endowed Scholarship is awarded by the Financial Aid Committee. Selection will be based on financial need and scholastic potential.