Established on 12.28.2021 by Nadine Beilke Roach '73 and Ronald F. Roach
Nadine Beilke enrolled at Concordia College in the fall of 1969. She grew up on a dairy farm near Buffalo, ND, and loved playing in the school band. In 7th grade, she decided she was going to be a band director, even though not many women were band directors at that time. Nadine graduated from Concordia College in 1973 with a double major in music education K-12 and German education. Nadine earned a master’s degree in music education from NDSU in 2000. Nadine taught instrumental and vocal music at Richland #44 District in Colfax, ND, for two years and then taught middle school instrumental music for band students in grades 6-8 in West Fargo, ND, for 38 years.
Nadine met her future husband, Ronald Roach, while in high school. Ronald grew up on a farm near Wheatland, ND, and graduated from NDSU with a major in agriculture economics in 1972. Nadine and Ronald had many Friday night dates during college, attending required recitals and concerts for Concordia music majors. They were married in June of 1973. Ronald worked at NDSU in the Plant Sciences Department for 44 years. Since retirement, they have enjoyed spending more time with their three sons and their families.
Nadine cherishes great memories of being a member of the Concordia Band and Orchestra. They were taught to strive for improvement every day. The dedication and commitment of Nadine’s teachers at Concordia inspired her to become a teacher. For this reason, Nadine and Ronald have created the Nadine L. Beilke ’73 Roach and Ronald F. Roach Endowed Scholarship.
The scholarship is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid to one or more students during their sophomore, junior, or senior year majoring in music education, with preference given to students planning on a career in the instruction of band students or instrumental music. Selection will be further based upon scholastic achievement and financial need.