Established on 01.29.2023 by Dr. Margaret E. Semrud '72 †
Margaret shares why creating this scholarship was meaningful for her, “My parents inspired me in so many ways. Both of my parents were ahead of their time encouraging their daughters to pursue their dreams. My mother was an amazing woman who died of a stroke at a very young age. I hadn’t seen the early signs of a stroke and when she died and her death started me on my journey in learning about the brain. To that end, I pursued a doctorate in neuropsychology. As we shared our name, I am honored to have her as part of this scholarship as well as myself. I was also so very fortunate to have been mentored by so many wonderful psychologists and would like to give back to the profession. Concordia started me on this journey with a scholarship. I have been honored to have mentored many students who are interested in working with children with terrible diseases and recovering with disabilities.”