Established on 04.01.2022 by Mary S. '78 and Michael D. '79 Ranum
Mary Sorenson Ranum and Michael D. Ranum have established the Arne and Ruth Sorenson Endowed Scholarship for the purpose of honoring Arne and Ruth Sorenson. Arne was Mary Sorenson Ranum’s brother who died of pancreatic cancer in 2021.
Arne and Ruth Sorenson are not Concordia alumni, but they embody the Concordia mission statement by influencing the affairs of the world as a thoughtful and informed couple dedicated to the Christian life. Arne, as President and CEO of Marriott International, was a leading voice advocating for equality and social change. Arne and Ruth, both children of Lutheran pastors, were also outspoken about environmental sustainability, human rights, and diversity and inclusion. Their commitment to the world included supporting organizations from their home community of Washington D.C., seeking to improve the lives of the poor and homeless, advocating for the disabled through Special Olympics, supporting Lutheran higher education at colleges and seminaries, and providing funding for the anti-malarial efforts led by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Ruth, and their four children, Astri, Esther, Isaac, and Lars, continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others through their favorite charities and causes in Arne’s memory.
The Arne and Ruth Sorenson Endowed Scholarship is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid to one or more students of any class or major. It is the hope of the Donors that the recipients of the scholarships from this fund will emulate the example of Arne and Ruth Sorenson and seek to make our world a better place.