Established on 12.09.2021 by Dr. Brad '74 and Terri Swingdorf †
The Concordia Experience has been very positive and life-changing for our family. Two generations have graduated, been accepted into graduate programs, and become accomplished dental professionals. The education and mentoring we received at Concordia were second to none. The life skills learned have allowed us to be involved in our communities and become leaders in many ways. There would be nothing more satisfying than to help students begin to shape their life ambitions at Concordia College by supporting and enhancing the programs within the Integrated Science Center.
The primary purpose of the Swingdorf Family Endowed Fund for Science is to create an endowment that will support costs associated with the biology, chemistry, and pre-dental programs including, but not limited to, cadaver lab expenses, educational opportunities for students, supplies, and equipment, and other initiatives. A portion of the funding may be available for salary support that is designated towards mentoring and advising, as determined by the Dean or Provost of the College, or other duly constituted official.
† - Testamentary endowments may not be contributed to until they are fully established.