Established on 07.26.1997 by Dennis Vibe and Rev. Harry Vibe

This is a fund created by Harry and Dennis Vibe, 1958 Concordia College Graduates, in memory and respect for William Smaby, who was the College's Vice President for Business Affairs from 1952-1976. Bill Smaby extended us credit when we had next to nothing, for we came to Concordia almost penniless. Why he trusted us is beyond our reasoning. He respected us as individuals when we may have had trouble respecting ourselves. Bill Smaby, as well as the president of the College, Dr. Joseph L. Knutson, affectionately known as "Prexy Joe", treated us as individuals in our own right and made us feel worthy. For that, those two individuals stood tall during our Concordia years. And they stand tall in our memories of them. 

We worked our way through college. We made it, and our respective life vocations were a direct result of our Concordia experience. The two men mentioned above were "Life Touchers", an inspiration to us, motivating us to attempt to be the same in our lives. It is one more example of the old adage, "we all may be the only one, but we are indeed one", and as such we can make a difference. 

It is our wish/hope that the interest accruing from "Thee Valhalla Fund ", which we intend to see grow, will be used perpetually to p-provide scholarships to prospective Cobbers who are in financial need. May it inspire others to be "Life Touchers". As such, they, too, will indeed make a difference.


The Thee Valhalla Endowed Fund is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid. Selection is based on financial need and scholastic achievement.