Established on 11.17.2000 by David and Camille Wainwright †
Camille and Dave met at Concordia in 1964, became “pinned” in 1965, engaged in 1966, and married in 1967. They have two sons, who’ve earned multiple graduate degrees, and four grandchildren.
Camille Wainwright spent over three decades teaching at the elementary, middle, high school and college levels, always enjoying the look on students’ faces “when the light bulb goes on.” With her Concordia undergraduate degree (B.A. - Chemistry) and graduate degrees from Purdue University (M.S. - Biology) and the University of Minnesota (PhD – Science Education), she finalized her career as a Professor of Science Education at Pacific University College of Education and served as an adjunct professor in the physics department. Dr. Wainwright directed numerous grant projects, including a major NSF grant, whose goal was to improve the teaching of science and mathematics in all colleges in the state of Oregon. She served as the program director of two licensure programs, supervising over 250 students as they earned their professional teaching licenses, as well as coordinating the college’s NCATE accreditation process. Additionally, Dr. Wainwright collaborated on the development of the CASTLE electricity curriculum, wrote the textbook, Electricity and Magnetism (Prentice Hall), and developed a science broadcast series for public television (Harvard-Smithsonian).
Dave “escaped” from New Jersey in the fall of 1962 and became a “foreign exchange student” at Concordia. He and his loyal roommates are still good friends and visit regularly in Minnesota and Florida. He claims his college friends saved him from becoming a gang “wise guy.” He freely admits that by far the best thing he received from Concordia was Camille. Dave served in the United States Navy for five years and was honorably discharged as a lieutenant. His career was in management at steel mills in Indiana (US Steel), St. Paul (North Star Steel), and Oregon (Cascade Steel), producing 25 million tons of steel and earning an MBA along the way. Now retired, the Wainwrights travel a great deal, having lived in or visited all 50 states, all Canadian provinces, the seven seas and about 80 countries around the world.
The L. David '66 and Camille (Meyer) '67 Wainwright Endowed Scholarship is awarded by the Office of Financial Aid with preference to students majoring in chemistry. Selection is based on scholastic achievement and financial need.