At the conclusion of the fifth annual Careers Connecting Cobbers event hosted by Students and Alumni Linked Together (SALT) in January, Barry Auditorium remained full with conversations of Concordia memories and new connections.

students and alumni talking
Photo by Blake Dallager

The alumni networking lunch may have ended, but countless alumni and students continued conversing, sharing personal experiences and networking. The genuine and intentional interactions throughout Careers Connecting Cobbers exemplified the strong sense of the Cobber community. This is just one of many Concordia events that enable students to prepare for their future while facilitating connections with other Cobbers.

“We had a fantastic turnout by both alumni and students! It was great to see everyone connecting with fellow Cobbers,” said Kirsten Grafstrom ’20, professional development chair of SALT. “We are so fortunate as students to have such a great Cobber alumni network, who enjoy getting to know the students.”

young alumni panel

SALT is a student-led group that provides leadership opportunities for current students to plan and execute events that connect with alumni and strengthen the Cobber community. In collaboration with the Office of Alumni Relations, students like Grafstrom are able to gain invaluable experience while enjoying the fun and excitement that comes with being part of a student organization.

This year’s Careers Connecting Cobbers included more than 150 students and alumni, ranging from a wide spectrum of majors including mathematics, biology, education, communication and business. It was a great opportunity for current students to gain insight and skills to propel their professional development. As another bonus, students are able to connect with notable alumni as they return to campus to share their experience and knowledge.

Students connecting with alumni in Barry
Photo by Blake Dallager

“This year’s SALT event was phenomenal. It was incredible to see countless students willing to prepare for their future endeavors on a Saturday by learning from and connecting with Cobber alums,” said Matt Dymoke, assistant director of Alumni Relations and acting SALT advisor.

The opportunities for students included a variety of sessions geared toward professional development such as the Young Alumni Panel and discipline-specific breakout sessions, as well as the chance to have a headshot taken or their resume reviewed. This enabled students to continue sharpening their skills while sharing experiences and passions with Cobber graduates.

Alumni panel at Careers Connecting Cobbers
Photo by Blake Dallager

The importance of community and connection is a part of the strong tradition at Concordia. Careers Connecting Cobbers is an incredible event that combines student leadership and career development opportunities to provide a day solely for the betterment of students.

Be a part of the next Careers Connecting Cobbers