Leading a Life of Service
Grounded in the value of giving back, this year’s Orientation Chair describes how his Concordia experience allows him to positively influence his community both on and off campus.
Lar ’23, Maplewood, Minn.
Major/Minor: Social Work; Psychology
Please tell us about yourself.
I live by this philosophy: Everyone only lives once on earth and life is very challenging and hard, so don’t make it harder on others. Instead, let’s give back and help those in need as best we can.
Why did you choose Concordia?
I chose Concordia because it is not too far away from home but not too close. Also, my major is offered and I received the Act Six Leadership Scholarship — an opportunity I couldn’t reject.
What campus activities are you involved in?
I am involved in the Asian Student Organization as the VP, the Presidential Search Committee, and working with the Center for Student Success (CSS) as the Orientation Chairperson. I was also the VP for Club Access last semester, but I had to resign as my schedule was too packed.
How did you decide on your major?
This was an easy decision for me. Again, I live by the philosophy I stated above. With that, I know that becoming a social worker is a dream job for me as I will get the opportunity to work and help those in need.
Have you had a favorite professor or class and why?
I love both of my social work professors, Dr. Loberg and Dr. Dahley. They were field social workers before becoming professors, so they bring in the social work values and mindset to the class. This is very helpful because they are the most understanding and supportive professors in challenging times. I also want to give a shoutout to Dr. Semanko. She is a new professor on campus teaching Social Psychology, but her work and values exceed many older and more experienced professors on campus. She is very supportive and not afraid to advocate for students. I love my social work classes, but my favorite course for this semester would be Social Psych with Dr. Semanko.
Tell us about your experience being involved in the Asian Student Organization on campus.
It is a lot of fun. Our club is not too big as there aren’t a lot of Asian students on campus, but it is big enough for us to do things together. In this club, we talk about real issues faced by the Asian community, we learn about different Asian cultures and traditions, we play traditional games and share cultural stories we heard growing up, and we also host events on campus. Right now, ASO is partnering up with other student organizations on campus to reform the Bias Incident and Response Team (BIRT) policy.
What have you enjoyed about being involved in Club Access?
One of the most memorable parts of Club Access is our very first event that we host on campus: Squid Game. It was a lot of hard work and I’ve learned a lot throughout that process. It was super cool and rewarding to see our planning come to life and see people enjoying the activities that we’ve planned for them.
Have you had a PEAK (Pivotal Experience in Applied Knowledge) opportunity and, if so, what did you learn?
I received both of my PEAKs working with Orientation through the CSS. I was on the Orientation Committee last year as the transfer coordinator and now as the chair. I’ve learned a lot and was consistently pushing myself out of my comfort zone. With these experiences, I learn how to professionally work with different people on campus and how to make impactful changes. The experiences helped me develop my leadership qualities and discover new things about myself that I wasn’t aware of.
Why did you apply to be the 2022 Orientation Chair?
I was interested in the Orientation Chairperson position because I really enjoyed and valued being a member of the Orientation Committee this year, and I want to continue this experience of growth and community. By taking on the Orientation Chair role, I would be able to develop my leadership skills and become more engaged with the growing community on campus. This is very important to me because by developing my leadership skills, I will be able to help create leaders on campus, as well as make positive changes in this community. One of the most important positive impacts that Orientation can have is giving new students a sense of belonging. Belonging is essential and has a huge impact on students’ academic success and mental well-being as it provides them with community, happiness, satisfaction, and so on. I want to be a part of making this impact for all incoming students and being the Orientation Chair will help me accomplish this goal.
What was your favorite part of Orientation as a first-year student?
My favorite part was the Welcome Show. That event was very cool and fun to watch.
What do you look forward to the most for this year’s Orientation?
I look forward to making positive changes to Orientation to create a fun and inclusive experience for all incoming students.
What is your favorite Concordia tradition and why?
My favorite Concordia tradition is the Beanie Toss. I just love seeing those beanies being tossed in the air as it symbolizes a new journey for all incoming students.
What has made you feel at home as a Concordia student?
My Act Six cadre made me feel at home as a Concordia student. We share similar experiences and support one another in challenging times. My experience would be a lot different without them.
What advice do you have for new students?
My advice is to be open-minded and be open to experiencing new things. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and use your college experience to discover yourself and develop your skills and knowledge. The world is big and there are a lot of differences and obstacles, but don’t be afraid of it. Face it, acknowledge it, and grow from it — be open-minded.
What are your plans for after graduation?
My plan after graduation is to pursue a graduate degree in social work.
Published June 2022