Meet Min Wang '18
Hello, my name is Min Wang.
I am from Chongqing, China, an economically developed city that is famous for its night views.
I am also a senior student studying business marketing and management at Concordia College. I am very involved at Concordia through connections with my professors, joining International Student Organization and other Cobber clubs on campus, making American friends as well as making friends from all over the world within the Concordia community.
Some of the things that I enjoy doing at Concordia are attending sporting events, especially hockey, going skating, and playing golf in the fall. I am also passionate about good coffee, good books and traveling. I’ve had some amazing travel opportunities during my time in the United States!
In addition to my success in my academics, I am constantly learning Midwest values, such as humility, friendliness and integrity, which shape my mind. I’ll miss the days of striving as a student and learning the hard work of a Midwesterner. I hope I find a job on the West Coast after my graduation, which is my American dream. I would love to work for Tesla or Mercedes-Benz.
Working in International Admission helps me to gain more experience of working with my friends and colleagues. I get the opportunity to use my marketing skills to help recruit prospective international students. Most importantly, I try to learn new things every day to better myself as a student and future professional.
I strongly recommend Concordia College to all prospective students, and I believe you will feel welcome, comfortable and valued within the Concordia community!