Learning, refining, and practicing leadership skills in college will not only make you more marketable to employers but will help you be more effective in the classroom and enhance your overall Concordia experience.

There are plenty of opportunities to hone your leadership skills at Concordia.

Join a Student Organization

Hone your leadership skills by joining a student organization.

Cobbers Leading the Way

Long-Term Leadership

As an administrator at Knife River Care Center in Beulah, N.D., Blake Kragnes ’20 applies the lessons he learned at Concordia to his daily response during the pandemic.

Service Leadership

Get connected with a service organization and take action toward social change. 

Help the community by volunteering, attend an on-campus drive or service event, tutor with America Reads, or get connected to other service organizations here on campus.

Service Opportunities


10 Min Read

More Than a Degree

With the purpose to make a difference with her degree, Carlie Heinecke ’23 found her calling in the valuable experiences within Concordia’s healthcare leadership program.

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4 Min Read

From China to Tasmania and Everywhere in Between

A Cobber’s globe-trotting journey leads him to improve youth mental health in Tasmania

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